About us

Basic Reseasrch Journal is an open access peer-reviewed international journal journal firm that publishes quality research artcles, reviews, shot communication, case report, research analysis and inquiries into issues of importance to the world at large.
Basic Research Journals, a purpose driven journal organization, that sprung into actions for two reasons: To publish an excellent and unprecedented researches that are in line with the interest of our journals. Secondly, to create avenue for exploration, ravaging and manifestation of the world of knowledge, and to disseminate the articles freely for teaching and reference purposes, especially for researchers and teachers in developing nations. The establishment of this Journal, Basic Research Journals is an answer to the wishes and desires of many researchers and teachers in developing nations in the world who lack free access to quality materials online. This Journal opts to bring panacea to this problem, and to encourage research development. Basic Research Journals aims at establishing a publishing house that is open to all. It aims to disseminate knowledge; provide a learned reference in the field; and establish channels of communication between academic and research experts, policy makers and executives in industry, commerce and investment institutions.
Our mission is to Contribute to the progress of scientific discoveries, by providing access to research information online without financial, legal or technical obligations. All Basic Research Journals articles will be distributed and available from multiple websites.
Open Access is a publication model that enables the dissemination of research findings to the world without restriction. Thus, published articles under open access can be accessed by anyone with internet connection.
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